Live Your Best Year Ever As A Member Of . . .

Goal Achievement Circle

“Whatever you vividly imagine, desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon… must inevitably come to pass. ”
- Paul J. Meyer


There are 3 Steps you can take to achieve any goal, whether it is in your business, finances, health, relationship, lifestyle or even in your spiritual life:

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Use a system proven to work.

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Be a part of a supportive community.

Have an experienced mentor.


 Goal Achievement Circle, or GAC will give you all 3 of this critical success components. Here’s how:

  1. The System

In the four hour workshop, you will learn a powerful Achievement Management System that has been utilized successfully by ten thousands of business owners, managers, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone designing to get to the next level of success in their lives.

Developed by former Success Magazine publishers Darren Hardy, you will learn:

  • How to set goals in a way that will get you incremented results throughout the year, not just in the first few weeks.

  • The “Magic Factor” that will separate you from the peek - the key component of goal setting rarely, if ever, taught.

  • A daily system that will one fifteen minute session per week plus daily five minute (maximum) work session to take you, one small, simple step at a time, to living the best year of your life.


And this workshop is offered at no cost to you. It is given once a month, open to anyone and everyone interested in finding out if making a commitment to a tried and true system of achieving any goal is right for you.


2. The Community

As a member of Goal Achievement Circle (GAC), you become part of our private community.

Included in this membership is:

  • You are assigned an accountability partner from the community that you will connect with each weekday. In this short call, you will be supported in the completing the “big 3” projects each day. And you get to support your partner in completing theirs. We’ll tell you more when we meet as a group.

  • Yes, we meet as a group once a month on Zoom. It is a chance to connect, share in our good news and meet with our new partner for the next month. Currently, monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month. The meetings also include a tutorial to keep us energized and motivated to continue working toward achieving our goals.



3. The Mentorship

Each month, GAC members are mentored in a one on one “mentorship call” by P. Scott Stringham.

This call can include:

  1. Assistance using the Goal Achievement System to maximize its effectiveness for you.

  2. Making you accountability partner calls something that bring better results, faster and with greater ease (and less stress).

  3. Clearance of energy blocks to your achievement using the Emotion Codeand Body Codesystems.

Among the areas you can work on during the energy clearing portion of your mentoring session one:

  • Procrastination

  • Time management

  • Keeping energy up throughout the day

  • Overcoming money blocks

  • Lifestyle improvements you can make

  • Old emotional pains that are holding you back

  • Physical pains and challenges frustrating your success


And each month you will be challenged to improve in same way that will help you achieve your goals. And you know your mentor will be checking your progress in your next mentoring session.


Become a Member of our Community

Join the Goal Achievement Circle

  • Monthly Meetings

  • Accountability Partnership

  • Video Tutorials and Work Sessions Every Sunday Night

  • One-on-One Membership

  • A Proven System to Achieve Your Goals

  • and more!


Program cost for all of this is $125/PER MONTH